We all have moments in our lives, some we want to forget, and also good moments. This is your moment starting today.
Luke 4:5-8 – This is a familiar story. Jesus is fasting in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights. He’s weak, thirsty, and hungry– worn down. That’s when satan attacks him.
The devil takes Jesus up to a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world. Notice the phrase “in a moment of time.” The devil tells Jesus that all the authority Adam and Eve gave to him He will give to Jesus “in a moment of time.” There was power in that moment. It only took one moment for the devil to show Jesus everything. But satan only has three tricks: the lust of flesh, the lust of eyes, and the pride of life. He attacks us in the same way. And it doesn’t take long, it can be in a moment of time.
The first point is that God is whatever we need to get us through to victory. We may only see Him now in what He did to be our Savior, but as time goes on, He is revealed to us as so much more, exactly what we need to have victory. He is so much more than Savior; He is also our healer, our provider, our burden bearer, our comforter, and so much more. He just keeps getting better and better.
At that moment in time at the mountain of temptation, Jesus was offered everything. This moment in time could have changed history, but Jesus chose not to take the shortcut satan was offering. There are moments in time that can dictate our future and affect us for years. But don’t take the shortcut. Don’t take what the devil is offering, but take what God wants to give you, the future that He has for you, the life that God wants to give you.
Judges 16:25-28 – Samson had a moment in time that affected him. He lived as a Nazarite for 20 years, then he judged Israel for 20 more years. So, for 40 years he was a mighty leader, a beacon of light to everyone who looked to him. The Nazarite vow he followed was threefold—no alcohol would touch his lips; a razor would not touch his hair and he would never touch anything dead. But during these 40 years, Samson had one unguarded moment.
Don’t end up losing because of one weak moment. Don’t become a victim in one weak moment that can change your entire world.
1 Peter 5:8 – be vigilant for the enemy is like a lion seeking who he can devour. This is a serious time we are living in, where right is called wrong, a man is called a woman. We should all be in high alert and not make the wrong decision at a moment of time.
There was another moment in time in the life of Samson. After Delilah cut his hair and they arrested him, they plucked his eyes out and he lost his power. Here is what I call a “but God” moment. They took him to Dagon’s temple and make fun of him and mocked him, laughing at him when they brought him in chains. There was a little lad leading him with a chain like and animal. Maybe you too are going through a tough time and a friend or neighbor is mocking you saying where is your God now? We all have Philistines in our lives that mock us for what we do for God.
So, Samson, once a mighty warrior, was led in by a lad. It was standing room only, about 3000 people present. Then Samson did something amazing. He prayed.
Judges 16:28 – He asked God to strengthen him just this one more time. God said, OK, I’m going to give you one moment in time. The enemy thinks he’s won, he thinks he wrote your last story, he knows you messed up and he thinks for the rest of your life you are going to walk in shame and disgrace. But not if you pray to God and ask him for a moment in time. It begins with prayer. First, don’t stop calling on the name of Jesus. Second, don’t stop pounding on heaven’s door. And third, let your knees wear out the floor from where you are constantly praying.
Sampson prayed and he called upon the name of the Lord. He pushed on those pillars and the power of God came on him one more time. The house fell and he was killed along with all of his enemies. But Samson’s story didn’t end there.
Hebrews 11:32 is the Hall of Fame, the Hall of Faith, and Samson’s name is there. God didn’t write him out because he messed up, because Samson prayed, and God forgave him and cleansed him and gave him one more opportunity.
Samson prayed for God to remember him just one more time. He asked God to let him feel His freedom and touch him just one more time. You may be in that moment right now in your life today. You may have done many right things in your life, but today are disgusted with yourself because you did something wrong. But God won’t leave you there. He will give you another chance, another moment in time, to change. When we pray to God and He give us that moment, we may still have to deal with what we did. But God says I’m not going to write you out of the book, I’m going to write you into the book. There is another moment coming. Reconnect and be restored back to God’s love, Jesus. King David had that kind of moment.
David had this moment he walked down on the rooftop, and he saw Bathsheba bathing. In one moment of time, in his weakness, he took off his armor and walked out, and decided to have her sent for. He committed adultery, and in that one moment in time he gave to the devil two years of his life filled with pain and agony. Theologians say this is the time that David wrote Psalm 38 describing in detail the pain and agony that one moment in time brought him.
2 Samuel 12:13 – Nathan came to David and told him that the Lord had put away his sin and that he will not die. God is not mad at you, He is saying I am waiting on you, I want you to know that I love you and I have a plan for you. In that very moment in time, you should repent and ask for His forgiveness, and in that same moment in time the Lord puts away the sin, and it’s over. He forgives you, but you still may have to deal with the aftereffects of the sin. But I would rather deal with the aftereffects of what I did than not having God’s forgiveness. God wil take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it around for good.
When you go through things in life there comes a moment that you are so weary and tired and frustrated, just worn out at wits end. This is how Jesus was suffering and in agony before He went to the cross. But despite this, Jesus took a towel and washed his disciples’ feet. He didn’t throw in the towel and quit, but he took that towel and folded it and went in even more. Don’t give up, dive in deeper.
In this moment of time, you can throw in the towel and give up, or go in deeper. This is what we need to do. When you feel like quitting, get up and go deeper with Jesus. Love your enemies. Love that rebellious grandchild. Don’t give up, don’t give in. Keep loving, for love never fails. God is love. He never throws in the towel; He never gives up on you.
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