Who Are You??????
Pastor Debbie Mrasz
This morning I woke up to a song playing in my mind that we all sang in church decades ago. The words follow:
“We Are the People of God”
With our lips let us sing one confession, with our hearts hold to one truth alone.
For he has erased our transgressions, saved us, and called us His Own, His very own.
We’re the people of God, called by His name, pulled from the dark and delivered from shame.
One holy race, saints everyone, because of the blood of Christ Jesus the Son.
Hear us oh spirits of darkness, so you will know where we stand.
We are servants purchased with scars, bought by the Blood of the Lamb, the Blood of the Lamb
We’re the people of God, called by His Name, pulled from the dark and delivered from shame.
One holy race, saints everyone, because of the Blood of Christ Jesus the Son.
Blessed people of God, We’re the people of God.
I hadn’t heard that song for such a very long time and wondered why seemingly out of nowhere I woke up with the tune playing in my mind. Then the Lord told me that this song is a “Word” for all of us at FBC. God wants us to know exactly who we are In Him. Pastor Mike always used to say, “Be Inhabited, not inhibited, in Him”. God wants us to be equipped with all power, knowledge, and revelation of Him and of His Word so that we are able to STAND and to OVERCOME.
We have recently been talking about our battle cry of “Charge” that the Lord gave us 6 years ago, but the Lord wants us to add to that cry the words of this song. In these days of total turmoil and decay of everything holy, pure, virtuous, and decent, our world is being shaken like never before. Day in and day out we hear of things happening that are so far gone from the truth and stability of God’s Word that it boggles our imaginations. How can the things that are happening now even be happening? What on earth is happening to the beauty, dignity, honor and truth that has been the cornerstone of the Church since the beginning of time?
Today the Lord wants to bring the words to this song to the forefront of our minds to remind us of who we are in Christ Jesus. We are not the feeble, lost, helpless, weak, frail people that the world labels as “losers”. No my friends, we are the people of God, called by His name, pulled from the dark and delivered from shame, one holy race saints everyone, because of the blood of Christ Jesus the Son.
Get a grasp of that revelation… all that Jesus is, He has given to each one of us. He has bought each and every one of us with His own Blood. We are strong, we are powerful, we are fearless, we are mighty warriors, we are God’s representatives here on this earth and we walk in His divine victory in all our ways!
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