When faced with difficult times we turn to the Psalms. They describe what we are feeling and let us know we aren’t alone, and there is hope. The Psalms describe what we are experiencing and God’s response to us. It is helpful to research the reason why a Psalm was written, going back to the history of Israel. Psalm 46 was written during a difficult time. Read 2 Kings 18 and 19 describing what King Hezekiah of Judah was faced with when attacked by Syrians. He went to the temple and took his troubles before God. Psalm 19:35-36 the Lord sent one angel that killed 185,000 men of the Syrian army. Undoubtedly this was commemorated in Psalm 46, a hymn of praise possibly written by King Hezekiah.
There are 3 parts to Psalm 46.
Part 1 – Psalm 46:1-3 God is our REFUGE.
Psalm 91 explains what is meant by REFUGE in 5 different ways.
1. Psalm 91:9-10 Our refuge is SAFE
2. Psalm 91:7 Our refuge is STRONG
3. Psalm 91:5 Our refuge is SECURE
4. Psalm 91:2 Our refuge is SOLID
5. Psalm 91:1 Our refuge is a SHELTER
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