When born again, Jesus comes into your life. But Holy Spirit also comes.
QUESTION: Is Holy Spirit a resident in your life, or is He the president!!
Many believe Romans 8 is the greatest chapter in the entire bible. The Spirit is mentioned 19 times in this chapter, showing the difference between flesh and spirit.
Romans 8:5 – Look at life through the Spirit
John 3:6 – We are born of the flesh, but when born again, then we are born of the spirit.
In Romans, Paul speaks of SELF without HIM, without God. Take the word FLESH, remove the H (remove God) and spin the word around to see how life is lived without God : S E L F — living in the flesh. Unfortunately, you can be a born again Christian, and still live life in the flesh, living for self. It’s your choice. Romans 8:5
Romans 8:1 – There is no condemnation when you walk according to the Spirit.
John 10:10 I have come that they may have life more abundantly
John 17:3 – Eternal life is to know God
Romans 5:1 – Peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ
Romans 14:17 – Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit
Ask Holy Spirit to daily guide and direct your path!
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