Acts 2:1-24 Pentecost was the day Holy Spirit came upon His disciples and endued them with power. But why don’t we see the power of the Book of Acts Church in our churches today? For Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8
Holy Spirit hasn’t changed, it’s the church that has changed. We need to return to what the bible tells us about the Pentecost Power that we have.
People of Pentecost Power
Acts 2:4 – We have been filled with the Holy Spirit and can speak in tongues.
Romans 8:10-11 – The Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us.
1 Corinthians 3:16 – We are the temple of Holy Spirit, who dwells in us.
John 14:16-17 – God has given us the Spirit of Truth, and we know Him, for He dwells in us.
Acts 2:38-39 – Holy Spirit dwelling in us is a gift from God .
Perspective on Pentecost Power
Acts 1:8 – Since we have Pentecost Power, we are to be witnesses for Jesus.
John 14:15-16 – Jesus links Pentecost Power to keeping His commands
John 14:23 – If we keep His Word, the promise is that He will dwell with us.
If we obey the Lord, and position ourselves to do what He tells us, then Holy Spirit will take over. If He tells you to witness to another person, don’t wait for Holy Spirit to prompt you, but first obey and go to that person, and since you have first obeyed, then Holy Spirit will take over and give you the words to say and to touch the heart of the person you are witnessing to.
Purpose of Pentecost Power
John 16:13-14 – Holy Spirit will always bring attention to Jesus and glorify Him. Holy Spirit was sent to reproduce the life of Jesus in each of us, and to glorify Him.
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John 7:38-39 – Living waters will flow from the hearts of us that believe. Think of an artesian well. It is a well where water flows from natural pressure without the need for a manual pump. Our part is to obey God first, and then Holy Spirit will take over and manifest in our lives and in our church. Then we will see our church to once again become a Book of Acts Church!
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