Many times, we have decisions we have to make and we don’t know what to do. That’s when we should prayer rather than asking others what they think. But why not ask the person that has the answers? God himself! He wants us to depend on Him, trust and obey Him and see Him as our source for all the needs we have. There is an interdependence and inner relationship He wants to build in our lives and He does that through prayer.
- We all face life burdens, and at times we will grow faint hearted.
Moses holding up his rod during Joshua’s battle can be seen as a symbol of intercession. As he held up the rod Joshua won the battle, when he lowered it, Joshua began to lose. Up down up down… Moses undoubtedly was growing fainthearted. We all get there.
Jesus taught that men ought to always pray not to faint (Luke 18:1). But sometimes we grow faint-hearted. This happens when satan puts his perception on our viewpoint when we look at our circumstances. We need to look to God, not at our circumstances, or not on the viewpoint satan wants us to perceive. If we don’t look to God, the circumstances will look larger and larger, until we wonder, what am I going to do??
Instead of looking at satan’s perspective, look at God’s perspective. There’s nothing God cannot conquer for you.
God knows we are going to grow weary and fainthearted. He knows this. Sometimes you don’t even feel like praying.
Just keep trusting him, thanking him and praising him. Listen to what God is saying–victory is on the way.
When you give up and want to quit because it looks like you are going to be defeated, you are hindering your relationship with God. Spiritual growth of other people is also hindered.
- Our greatest asset when going through this type of battle is to have an Aaron and a Hur – prayer partners.
God sent Moses to top of hill knowing he couldn’t hold up his hands for long. That is why he told Moses to take two people with him. God doesn’t want us to be totally independent. We ultimately depend on God, but we also need to interdepend on others.
Everybody needs an Aaron and Hur. Do you have an Aaron and Hur? Are YOU and Aaron or Hur?
When you think you can no longer hold your arms up do you have someone to intercede on your behalf?
A threefold cord not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Three means completeness and divine intervention. Today you may be in one of those battles. Home, finances, health, tremendous battle in our life. In the battle you have, you are Moses, and Aaron and Hur will help to bolster your strength and help to supply your needs through prayer. Their strength is infused in you, and a supernatural strength will come on you. They pray with you through the battle.
Characteristics of Aaron and Hur:
- They may be more spiritual than you, or as spiritual as you or not as spiritual as you. That’s not important. Who are we to judge that? Are they spiritually minded? The seek God and trust Him.
- They accept you as you are. Whatever problem you are facing, they do not think less of you.
- They are friends that care. Their Compassionate hearts feel what you feel.
- They are friends who love you.
- They are faithful. They are not just someone whose opinion you want. They are someone who will come when you want and recognize your need.
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