Mark 6: 1-5
Honoring others is a way of making us better fathers, mothers, brothers or sisters and friends. Honoring means to respect or hold another in high esteem.
Familiarity often causes dishonor. Jesus was dishonored in his home town of Nazareth — the townspeople knew Him as a boy and his earthly family and couldn’t begin to imagine that he was now the Messiah. They were offended by Him. It’s difficult to ever honor someone who has offended you. The result was that since He was dishonored, not many miracles were performed in Nazareth.
Ephesians 2:3 – The command to honor your parents is accompanied by a promise to live well and to live long. When the Ark settled on dry land, Noah’s youngest son dishonored him. He was cursed the remainder of his life.
Matthew 10:40-41 – God sends us people as His perfect gift. It doesn’t mean the person He sends is perfect, but what they help to accomplish in our life is what God intended to be perfect.
Just remember — those things in your life you believe are a stumbling block may actually be a stepping stone send from God.
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