“Oh Mommy, Mommy, Mommy…Please Let Me Live… Please”
By Pastor Debbie Mrasz
CAUTION: Graphic content
Last week I was walking down my street and noticed something strange laying on the sidewalk… I looked closer and discovered it was a lifeless, helpless little body of a baby bird… it had eyes, little nubs for wings, a few soft areas of soon to be feathers, some puckered up skin and some tiny feet. Had no idea where the bird came from or how it even got there… it was simply laying there, on the sidewalk, alone, without the egg it had been surrounded by and without the warmth of the nest it would have been tucked into. Some people would have abruptly snarled with disgust and pronounced that it was just a lifeless mass of ugly worthless flesh and blood. But how very wrong they would have been… there was no mistaking what it was… it was a bird… a real bird, a tiny little bird just waiting for its appointed time to come into this world and thrive.
For one moment…think…do you have ears to hear? Do you have eyes to see? Can you comprehend what is being said here???
Tell me, how can anyone anywhere claim a precious human being, developing in the womb of a woman, is not a human being??? It has eyes, it has little hands, legs, and feet, it has functioning organs, it has everything the woman carrying it has… how could it be anything but a human being????? How???? And, how can slicing or chopping or vacuuming the child to pieces with no other intent but to destroy it at any cost be anything less than cold blooded murder? Murder… blatant, cruel, barbaric, painful, murder. How can women across this country stand up and shout that they have the “right” to kill another human being in cold blood simply because they made the choice to be with a man knowing full well the possibility of becoming impregnated. That is where the actual choice is activated, not after a precious human being has already been created.
Likewise, there is something wrong with the souls of mankind thinking abortion is a women’s “health” issue. Abortion is murder and people participating in it should be prosecuted just like the person who illegally fires a weapon and kills someone. All eyes are on the 19 innocent children and two adults who were brutally murdered in Uvalde, Texas, as they should be. It’s one of the most devastatingly heartbreaking scenarios this country has ever had to face. But what about the millions of other innocent lives brutally murdered day in and day out by their own mothers??? Who cries for them? Who remembers them? Who buries them? When is our society going to wake up???? When will we understand that we do not have the right to abort a child after it is conceived, even if 999 out of 1,000 people think that it is acceptable? Listen and hear… look and see… ponder and be awakened… abortion is murder… it kills a precious life and truthfully, everyone is undoubtedly fully aware of that. People just hide behind baseless, indignant excuses and irreverent like-minded judges for no other reason than selfish convenience.
Whether you are a Christian, an atheist, an agnostic… whether you are Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or anything in between, no one on the face of this earth has the right to take another’s life, not by any standard. A woman’s “right to choose” is an invalid argument to perpetrate the act of murder upon a life that is so precious, completely innocent, and totally defenseless. Abortion is wrong, it will always be wrong, it is a scourge on all of humanity and it can never be justified… never.
Arise, shine, stand up and stop this massacre of human life and protect those who cannot protect themselves. Walk in the truth that will set you free… the truth that embodies the revelation that “All I know is once I was blind, but now I can see”.
Amen, Pastor! Yep, time to speak up. Thank you!