Pastor Debbie Mrasz
One of the very first Memory Verses I ever had the opportunity to teach my Sunday School class decades ago was from the Book of Ephesians 4:32. The Bible says, “Be kind one to another…”
Those five little words alone have the undeniable power to change our entire world and every single human being in it. How easy is it for us to simply be kind to each other? No one needs a doctorate degree, or millions of dollars in the bank, or books full of esteemed accolades. or weeks of “on-the-job training”. All each of us needs is just a quiet determination to be kind to each other. All the evil and hatred and jealousy and selfishness that is so prevalent in our world today could be quickly demolished and totally reversed if we all decided to be kind to each other.
How hard is it to allow someone to go ahead of you in line at the grocery store who only has a few items? How difficult is it to let another driver pull out in front of you on your way home from work? How stressful is it to simply give someone a smile instead of a disgusted looking frown? How challenging is it to pay someone a gentle compliment instead of cursing them because they may be in your way? How much fortitude does it take to understand when someone is having a bad day and just overlook it?
I can’t help but think that this sort of dialog belongs in a first-grade classroom, rather than being written as a life changing revelation. Yet the real question is, if every single one of us are capable of showing kindness and changing the entire landscape of our world, then why don’t we? Seems to me the profound solution to all the problems that plague our homes and families, and society could all be easily resolved if we intentionally exhibit kindness on a daily basis to those around us.
Think about it… five little words that when put into action are guaranteed to forever change our lives and our civilization in the most honorable, productive, and uplifting way possible.
How indiscriminately amazing is that???!!!!
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